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Methandienone: use in sports

Опубликовано 25-03-2024, 08:01 в категории Обо всем

Methandienone: use in sportsThere is still no consensus on whether Dianabol is the brainchild of John Ziegler or whether it was the development of now unknown researchers from the Ciba laboratory in the US.

1956, the year of the appearance of dianabol methandienone on sale under the brand name "Dianabol”, is practically a turning point in the history of doping in sports.

In any case, John Ziegler can rightfully be called the "father” of the drug - after all, what is beyond doubt is that it was he who gave Dianabol its "entry” into big-time sports.

At first, Dianaball was used only by representatives of strength sports because of its completely unique feature of quickly increasing strength and muscle mass, then others gradually joined them.

In bodybuilding and other sports

As for bodybuilding, Methandrostenolone quickly became the number one drug and held the lead until the end of the 70s. The list of his fans is simply huge and includes all the winners of the Mr. Olympia tournament, from Larry Scott to Frank Zane.

And to this day, any "jock”, as a rule, begins his "chemical career” with "methane”. The original "Dianabol” was discontinued back in 1972, but by that time drugs in which steroid was the active substance were being produced in full swing in Europe, in particular in the USSR.

In my former homeland, the drug was simply a cult drug - the training of track and field athletes, weightlifters, and swimmers was based on it, despite all its known shortcomings.

Unfortunately, with the development of doping control, methandrostenolone has disappeared from most sports, and now only those disciplines where they turn a blind eye to the use of prohibited drugs remain its lot.
Effect on the body

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of steroids, it should be noted that the molecule of this androgenic anabolic steroid, due to its structural features, has a very low affinity for androgen receptors.

However, the drug, in some still unexplored way, is able to stimulate protein synthesis.

How this happens, I repeat, is not thoroughly known; it is assumed that the complex "methandrostenolone molecule – sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)” interacts with certain receptors on the surface of the cell, which subsequently leads to an increase in protein synthesis by this cell.

By the way, methandrostenolone binds to GPSG much worse than other steroids, so that a much larger amount of the steroid remains in a biologically available state.

Use by women

Despite the fact that in the early to mid-60s of the last century, the recommendation by doctors to take methandrostenolone for women in the amount of 5 mg per day to "raise tone” was common practice, it is better for the fair sex to avoid this steroid, since even not very significant doses "methane" lead to the occurrence of virilization phenomena.

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